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"Das stetige Auf und Ab, 
das Ausbrechen und Abschwellen 
wie die Wogen des Meeres, 
auf "Narrow escapes" lässt es sich fast körperlich erfahren."

 "Kunstvoll ausgestaltete Popsongs, die das Wort Pop endlich wieder in seiner besten Bedeutung erstrahlen lassen."


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Das stetige Auf und Ab, das Ausbrechen und Abschwellen wie die Wogen des Meeres, auf "Narrow escapes" lässt es sich fast körperlich erfahren." Ackfeld 

 "Kunstvoll ausgestaltete Popsongs, die das Wort Pop endlich wieder in seiner besten Bedeutung erstrahlen lassen, jede Menge Mut zu überraschenden Wechseln und Ideen, die den Hörer den Mund kaum wieder schließen lassen. Dann wischt man sich den begeisterten Sabber ab und spielt das Album noch mal von vorne, um die nächsten Überraschungen zu hören, die beim vorigen Mal verloren gingen. Kein einfaches Album der Hamburger Band – aber ein großes." Dominik Otte

"Narrow Escapes ist vor allem eines: ein Spannungsfeld ästhetischer Darstellungsformen, zeitlos gute, angenehme Musik mit vielen Zwischentönen, tagträumerischen Episoden und osteuropäische Volkslied-Referenzen."

the iron lung quintet on this album were: 

Christian Uhlig - vocals, piano, keys 

Frank Wöhst - drums, percussion 

Jens Altfelder - guitars, bass, mandolin 

Björn Steffens - guitars, keys, bass, glockenspiel 

Stefanie Richter - double bass, bass, cello 

Tracks 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 feature guest appearances by Wido Sauer on trombone and 

trumpet. Melanie Hamdorff sang backing vocals on tracks 7, 9, 10. Track 5 features 

Suzana Bradaric on the singing saw and Steffan Diedrichsen on vibraphone. 

narrow escapes was written, recorded and produced by the iron lung quintet. 

Mixed by Frank Wöhst. 

Mastering by Michael Schwalbe at monoposto. 

Artwork by Meike Gerstenberg. Sleeve design by Amélie Putzar. 

mail: [email protected] 

booking: [email protected] 

copyrights, royalties, fame & fortune: 

[email protected] 

May nothing but happiness come through your door: 

Wido, Melanie, Suzana, Steffan, Stefanie, Birger, Marc-André, David, Lennert, Dedl, Bente, 

Thomas, Alexander, Pedi, Gustavo, Dharma Bums, Knabenkraut, Nonlinear Control, 

Summer Crowd Stereo, Alaska, Matze, Duby, Meike, Amélie, our kids, families & friends.

god`s upper jab is hard to block

king of the cop-outs / we are at knifepoint / it is time to come clean

take a look at the numbers / you may go down in style / but go down you will

make a wish/ make an effort/ make a mint

these shares were made out to bearer/ and with these shares their bearer will sink

sometimes god´s upper jab is hard to block/ it is a slow-motion capture of a state of shock

king of the cop-outs / we are at knifepoint / the house always wins

take a look at the numbers / numbers don’t lie / and go down you will

make a wish / make an effort / make a mint

these shares were made out to bearer/ and with these shares their bearer will sink

sometimes god´s upper jab is hard to block / only the spineless creatures absorb the shock

western union counter

the streets are paved with gold, it is true / but they made no mention of the traffic 

if I tell you this though you are not here / it is out of habit  / I am forming habits 

so I bite my nails down to the bone / because I am here and you are home 

I have been hanging on a shoestring here / high hopes you better learn to stint 

on the western union counter / you will find the proof that I am skinned 

the fur cap you send / it did not last a year / holes even wider than this shit hole is drear 

now tell your badmouth family / if they haven’t yet heard 

out of the ear of a sow you just cannot make / a silk purse 

feels like falling backwards very slowly 

on the western union counter 

that is where me meet, but only...


what the hell has gotten into you? / now that’s the sort of smack that leaves a bruise / 
on your shoes there’s vomit

is this a dare, a tempt of fate? / your acrophobia she knows is beyond debate

act your age/ step away form the brink

life woke you with a kiss and breathed “turn the page“ / as you fell in love with someone / half your age / yet her lust for life is irritating

she sashays on the brink as you kneel / on the observation deck for miles to see/ her laughter is so humiliating

you would do anything / if it needs must

because the very moment she leaves on you / you will fall to dust

half a grab, half a punch / the surprised look on her fac/e

you missed within an ace

spin like a leave, spin like leave / on your way down, spin like leave

the villagers are restless

mountaineer, you are in danger here  / and it is not because of falling rocks 

the superstitious village folk have gathered around 

in the shadow of the summit cross 

the villagers are restless / any stranger is a threat 

mood has changed around here / someone has been painting black 

we will have to take all their concerns seriously 

mountaineer, they sense the end is near /no more goody two shoes /

rather a vigilante cruise 

a stitch in time saves nine / down in the mine / they found the evil seed 

the seed of sentiment 

over at the stake / Saint Martin turns his eyes away in dread 

this is ridiculous / a very bad joke 

they got paperback bibles in every home / haggled and torn 

it says those who sow the wind will reap the storm 

move your fingers down the map / this is where it is at 

the black hole of Europe

a reputation of a good sport

slow and steady wins the race  / only in case 

the race is slow and steady 
and though / it always felt like highest pace 

the lead already unassailable

you are no longer part of the show / dave said and hung up the phone 

you won’t get another contract 

and now / appearing on the scene 

the new hot thing / talented and fearless 

you are no longer part of the show 

dave is right / you are too old and you are too slow 

but I know you are good sport 

a good sport 

all that remains 

all I will be ever known for 

the reputation of a good sport 

there are rules for lapped cars / there is a blue flag dangling form the mast 

oh big shot, keep your hands on the wheel / next time I am being lapped 

I will be veering out for real

hand me the monkey wrench 

hand me the monkey wrench  / hold the light / if they may ask we were not here / and ask they might 

we will be quick /on the q.t. / what man has build may be no more than a machine 

hand me the formula / I am signing in 

a fist is a fist / no matter how bony thin 

and if we are paranoid  / that doesn’t mean / they are not after you and you and you and me 

because we are legion / grinding teeth / because we are legion / short on sleep 

a human error has crept in 

hand me the formula / I am signing in 

a fist is a fist / no matter how bony thin 

hand me the formula / I am signing in 

enough is enough / from now on it is kicking shins 

hand me the monkey wrench / we are at large 

the sounds you hear is the sound of silent sabotage 

we will be quick / on the q.t. 

what man has build may be / no more than a machine 

hand me the monkey wrench / free your ears 

within a minute there will be / the sound of stopping gears

those in the know

read the prescriptions  / read them out loud 

force this new fish hook in your bitter trout pout 

when all you need is to get through  / any port in a storm will do 

this twitch in your muscles / this stitch in the side 

in this complex little pallets oh so many secrets hide 

no it ain´t no fortune cookie / there is no motto inside 

but you should have read the package leaflet in good time 

those in the know / those in the know just know 

what the label claims / and the date in taints 

go and see a lawyer, he says we all have to carry our burden 

in my case this shrug of my shoulders / it has been chronic for years 

when all you need is some sympathy / this is what I can give you for free 

this is all I can give out free 

those in the know / those in the know just know 

what the label claims and the date in taints 

every trick in the book, every loophole, every hook 

they make the laws that you obey 

every treasure, every key, every shortcut, every glee 

they know all that it takes to set the prize 

for advice

in like a lion, out like a lamb

even on these old and weary limbs / one day a bird will alight 

if you leave yourself a bread crumb trail / it may lead out of misery and plight 

all the worries / I know / will make friends with someone else 

as so many many have before 

before dawn has broken / like so many broken things you will not mend 

take a deep breath of this morning scent / everything else is just odds and ends 

even on these old and weary limbs / one day a bird will alight 

all the troubles / I know / will make friends with someone else 

as so many  many have before 

before dawn has broken / like so many broken things you will not mend 

take a deep breath of this morning scent ( everything else is just odds and ends 

you went in like alion / you went out like alamb 

your heavy heart / your heavy heart 

is no more than a muscle / tired and sore 
after years of sea crossing ready for shore 

in like a lion /out like a lamb 

when the gun smoke clears away / let us see who is there to stay 

what memory crawls out first / that is where they haunt 

the gods of mirth

a narrow escape

the sky was full of birdsong today / from my hideout I saw the rays of the autumn sun 

I lay awake and I was grateful for my narrow escape 

when dark clouds will return to take their shape / I will fear no more because I found my mate 

in my autumn sun / life gave this voice a reason to sing out loud 

sunlight, sunlight / you will break through the haze 

my love, my love, not a minute too late, too late / for my narrow escape 

the sky was full of birdsong today / from our hideout we saw the rays of the autumn sun 

we lay awake and we were grateful for our narrow escape 

sunlight, sunlight / you will break through the haze 

solitude is a fine grain / once blown through the backdoor it sticks everywhere 

my love, my love, you arrived just in time 

solitude is a fine grain / once blown through the backdoor it sticks everywhere 

sunlight, sunlight / you will break through the haze

what separates the living from the dead

these strong hands / they are not good for anything 

all thumbs / they could not even kink a knot 

these strong arms / they cannot hold the weight 

I never walk / I always wade 

here in the kitchen / we made shopping lists 

schedules and dates we diarized / I’ve been crossing out 

since you have gone / this house speaks to me 

a list of things to do today may keep me sound 

first thing in the morning 

I will gather all them schedules, calendars and plans 

I will store them away with 

the dry wood for the easter fire 

It is something to do for these hands 

here in the bedroom is where I realized / your voice had not just thinned away 

it had died 

what separates the living from the dead / oh it is that 

we are making plans 

the morning sun is full and frank / there is no looking back 

the morning sun is full and frank / this page is intentionally left blank

land ahoy!

slow / the drift is still slow / but there is no 

no return, no guarantee / this boat runs on nothing but hope / out to the heavy seas 

insurmountable / the impossible 

still in sight /out of reach / but still in sight 

the rocking of the boat / it is the hands of my dear brothers and sisters 

from their ocean bed carrying us on / to the land of listers 

inaccessible / the impossible 

one day all of us will have a name / if the waves crash over our heads 

we have come a long way 

if the waves crush over the deck 

we have come a long way 

to the lands of law and equality / to the lands of cunts and misused authority 

to the lands of plenty and coy 

see there! 

land ahoy! land ahoy! land ahoy!